Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Boyfriend.

Okie. I'm honest to god fucking sick of this relationship crap. I really truly am. Like...I've had my fair share happen with my ex's and myself, but seriously.

I know I'm wierd. But honestly speaking, I'm not gonna go on here and rant about how I now don't want a boyfriend, just cause of me breaking up with Tom. It's not actually like that. I'm not quite looking really, but more so keeping an open eye & mind.

Thing is, I'm not like most. I don't base guys off their looks. Personality deeply counts for over 95% of it. But looks are always something to notice. Not gonna lie.

I just want a boyfriend. One without complications to him. One who could be truly happy with me. And not always upset and depressed. Whether it be hidden well or not. I really don't need more of that. What I have now involving that, I can handle. Dateing that, not so much.

I want a relationship that can last. One I can see a legit future. Not a fairytale. One where the both of have equal feelings. And don't rush anything. Why rush if we're not going anywhere?

A relationship where we are just permenant friends who like & do stuff together. Whether it'd be making fun of one another. Helping out one another. And be able to kiss. But not like friends with benefits. Not to the level where you can hook up and then think we aren't even together really. A best friend kinda boyfriend. Thats my ideal one.

One who can deal with me AND my friends. Not bad mouthing any. But not getting close to any. One who understands that things change sometimes, and we might just have to take things easy and give each other some space from time to time depending on other happenings.

Someone who actually gets me. Doesn't just say what I wanna hear and someone I know will actually be there. Someone I know I can trust. Someone I can be my real self around.

And you know how many people there are like that? One. So chances of me getting any actual boyfriend soon? Pretty much none.

So single it is!

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