Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There's always two sides to every idea or every story..

I've been trying to show off the girl I could really be. The care-free, loving, fun, sweet chick I know I am. But honestly? It's a lot harder then it's seemed. Trying to ignore all the shit that my so called friends try to get me into isn't fun. The drama, the drama I'm just sick of. Fucking seriously now I am. I don't really give a shit about who dated who, who did what, who said this. Quit it. Cause it doesnt get anyone anywhere. Ever. You guys are supposed to be my friends, not the news crew. This doesn't go towards all, but a lot of my "friends." And it hurts even more, when they start multiple articles about me, and keep it away from me. Do you really think that I won't hear about it? I wont find out? If you do, you're stupider then you make yourself seem.
I've been wanting to write but I can't figure out what. Theres a lot I've been wanting to say, but just can't say out loud or type. Theres a lot on my mind and I know that no-one at all really knows it. Cause theres both good and bad but so far, I'm trying to keep the bad back. It just isn't working out so well. Yesterday was the first day in a long while that I've been so care-free. So simple. I loved it. At least till I returned home again to only see what I was hoping was un-true. It honestly didn't take long. Like I've told many people, I'm easily replaced most of the time. Apparenlty new found friends are no exception. Thanks Nick. Luv ya too. -.-'
Relationships are usually either really simple or really complicated. Simple ones are pretty rare now though, and I'm not thee only one who says so. But either way, it shouldn't matter as long as you care for the person & you are cared for back. This doesn't just apply to dating, but everyday relations too. Dating is such...whats the word...difficult thing to keep now. Honestly. It's a two way street that you both have to try 'n keep up. And with most, it doesn't stay up long. xD lmfao (That sounded really wrong, my bad.) But yea. You have to be fair. Ya know? And I'm sad to see so many great people I know, taken for granted. Some diserve it, others not at all. I just wanna see my friends happy. Thats all. And to the fuckers who can't do that much, fuck off. That goes to you too Joe. Stay.Out.Of.My.Life. Okiee? -sigh- Anywayz...I'm ranting I know. Sowwie. Theres just to much going on in my head right now...I think I'll just write later.

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