Monday, September 20, 2010

There's only one person I will ever truly listen to.

Ok, I know I don't have the best attention span. I'm not perfect and Im proud to say Im no where near. I have a bad attitude with the wrong people. I give second chances way to easily. My looks pretty much suck. And I have horrible self confidence if that isnt already obvious enough. I'm not the brightest person I know of. And I wont try to be. I am way to over-protective with people that dont usually care bout me like I do them. My emotions tend to take control of me. I have a major guilt concsience that usually makes me apologize for stuff that isn't even my fault. Ive gotten myself inviolved in so much stupid drama it isn't even funny. And theres a lot that goes through my mind that might scare or worry anyone else who understood it.

But even with all of that. I am still myself. Nothing more or less then inperfect. And I have a few good people that except me for that. Mainly 1 person though being fully honest here. And that person is my friend Vin. (Aka: Scruffy)

Scruffy & I have been friends since his 5th grade year and my 7th grade year back when we both went to Memorial. Though back then, I was better friends with this one girl Em, We've been friends for a good, long time. I'm so glad I chose him over her. I would've hated myself to this day if I hadn't. And I would probably be more of a wreck then I already am.

He is honest to god. Thee best person I've ever had the luck to know. Ever. He has been through more then I have. And It's made him a better man. Even if he, himself doesn't see/think it. He is honestly, wise. And, as I already tell him. I think of him as a "girl magnet" and I strongly believe that. He is independant, Adorable, Funny and Sweet.

He is always there for when you need him and he means what he says, Unless he is kidding around, which I've come to know, is just how he is. And it comes majorly in handy when your in a shitty mood. Cause he is always able to cheer me up. If I need help, he gives me the best advice he can. And then we talk & joke around untill I forget why I was ever upset. :)

In conclusion, he is my best friend and I see him, as I have for year now and I always will. As family. I don't think I could ever, and I mean ever, find someone even close to as important as he is too me. And I might simply sound as Im being nice. But I meant everything I've said.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a good day.

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