Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It has wheels! It has wheels! It has wheels!

Last night was....different. But it was needed. I see that now at least. It showed me the truth. That of which, well, I knew about but had refused to except. The fact that...well...Me & Darien aren't what we use to be. Why? Could be just the fact of time. Could be my fault. But truthfully? It's him. I've been there countless times, and when I told him the truth...he could truly careless. I can't deal with that well. At all. I hate it. I also think that another person has to do with it...the fact Darien's actually in a relationship and this just happens? I don't think it's such a coincidence..honestly..I miss & hate it.

It's like a slap in the face. A major...major one. Dude...I've called him my BEST FRIEND in state for so long. Was it really all an act? Was it all fake? Just to feel like he...I don't even know. I love him..I'll always be protective. I'm sorry but it's how I am. And's not all. I've been replaced and I gotta except it. Nothing more will ever be reality again with me and him. Nothing...I'm just about to quit this shit..

Anywayz, I really don't know if anyone besides me actually read all this crap I write. I honestly doubt anyone does. When I ask, I think I get the same exact response from just about everyone just to make me shut up. And truthfully speaking, I don't blame them. At all.

Spending after school with Tom then walking to Gamestop & home with Darien and Jake. Hopefully will brighten my mood. If it's not too late, and I have at least 45-to an hour left, I'm gonna go for a walk. Probably to the cemetery right over the bridge. I need a escape..

After that, I'll probably call J is Scruff hasn't called yet by then.

-looks at clock-
Fuck..only 1:29...>.<' This isn't over till 43. Gah.

Whatever. I need to keep myself busy. So Imma keep writing bout anything that comes to mind. I love this, Vasa's in the other room and I can actually hide my Ipod. (Though this one's Julies cause I told her I'd hold onto it so I can give it to her at the end of 8th.)

You know what..I'm just gonna stop while I'm ahead..and quit rambling. Okiee...lets see how the rest of my day goes..

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