Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today is just another day...but I don't know. It feels different...

My voice is begining to come back. Though, it's still really deep compared to my normal one... =\ And I still can't scream at all. I know this will sound funny but if/when I try to, all that happens is a VERY quiet squeak, airless noise. It's kinda bad...

Anyways, cha. today is just kinda different. I really don't know how I could even try to explain it.

Darien's on the last of my nerves but yet I still run up and bear hug him cause I'm scared I'm gonna lose him by the end of everything...and..I just can't do that. Not anymore.

It's a school day, so I actually get to see my boo. =] All of lunch was spent with him holding onto me and it was just really cute. ^^ I really needed it. It's really stupid&weak&corny of me to say something like this but I did miss him. Specially last night....Dark places aren't cool when their in your own mind and you're alone..

Also, just saying..it will start to get to you that when you try to talk in class and the minute you do EVERYONE laughs at you cause you're sick and your voice (though your a chick) sounds like a dude hitting puberty. -____-'

I'm planning on staying after today with Tom till 3 ^^ and then once he head's off with Zack, I'll probably just hangout with Nicole or have alone time with  myself walking home. I'm not exactly sure which I should do yet. I've been wanting to walk around my part of town, hopefully the cemetery isn't underwater anymore...I'd love to walk through that again....just like old times..

What's wrong with me?

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