Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day. A day for everyone to show their love&apperciation to the mothers (or Mother-like figures) that have raised them. A day to celebrate them. To prove that you need them. That you love them.

But not all are so lucky.
Not all are STILL lucky.

I personally am, but I have two friends that sadly aren't. And their some of the sweetest kids. My friends Matt&Andrew, along with their dad, lost their mother to cancer almost a year ago. And depressingly, right before Andrews' High School Graduation. I love Andrew. I really do. I know I don't spend much time with him, and I've only known him for a little over 2-3 years. But still, I really care about him. And it sucks that tomorow is Mothers Day. And cause of it, he's upset. I don't blame him at all. It's gotta be hard. For both him & Matt.

I would spend my mothers day with them if I could. But I'll be out in GreenPoint then. And today, I'll be in Seacucus for a majority of the day. If I have time when I get back, I'll try to see if he wants sometime to hangout or not. I don't wanna pressure him. Not at all.

All-in-all, I'm proud of him. I really am. It's really hard to lose someone. Especially if their a close family member. Let alone a parent at such a young age. He's proved it, but he still lives his life. And that takes a lot. I'm really proud, but I do understand to a degree that he needs time to himself.

As I told him last night, I'll always be here for him if he ever needs someone to talk to. I honestly mean that too.

I'm really sorry for your loss Andrew&Matt. <3

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