Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scruffy is what's great about me.

Scruff, I love you. I really fucking do. You're my best & only true friend. Nothing will or would nor can ever change that. I'm not scared around you. At all. I can open up about anything & everything with you. You don't know how much it means to me. After all this time, you've never let me down once. I owe you so much, I wish there was a way I could be just as amazing as you've been. There isn't anything I really wouldn't do for you. No-one can say shit about you and not be a dumbass. You're the greatest kid, greatest guy, in my life. And the best I've ever met. You're beyond real. I'm amazed. You've made me so proud, I don't even know how to show or tell or even try explaining it to you. I can tell you everything to anything. And over the years, I pretty much have. You're the single person in my life I know won't leave. The one I actually trust. The one I always believe. I'm the luckiest or one of the luckiest people or girls in the world to have you by my side. Even if it's figurativly. You understand & accept me. Far more then anyone else seems to. You're honest & caring. You stick up for youself & me. You've helped me with so much and never left me alone in times I needed you. Our memories are unreplacable. There's no-one I'd rather have in my life other then you. If everyone else but you left me, I'd be a wreck, but not gone. I'd be ok. I know this now. You've shown me not to think so high of others but high in myself. And given me confidence, real confidence, that I never had before. I know I said that certain Ex's of mine did that, but that's not true. You did that. I could tell you so much about you. So much potential. So much greatness. So, so much in such a young man. You really could do anything. And I think & hope you know that. I really will always be here for you Vin. Through anything&everything. You've shown me so much. I really can't thank you enough. I know you don't get why I thank you so often, but this tells everyone why. You're my little brother dude. Have been for almost 4 years. I know it'll be sometime till we get to hangout, but I can wait. As long as we talk, as long as you're happy, that's all that matters to me.
You're the best person to ever enter my life.
You're my little brother.
You're my bestest friend.
And you shall always be that.
All of it.

Thank you. <3

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